PC MACSYMA® 417.125 delta 2 DEMONSTRATION DISKETTE This demonstration diskette runs on 80386 and 80486 PC's running DOS 5.0 or higher and MS-Windows 3.1. The mathematical features shown here are common to versions of Macsyma on all platforms. The on-line help and graphics features are similar to those in other versions of Macsyma. In addition to this README.TXT file, the demonstration diskette contains an installation file INSTALL.EXE and the file MACSDEMO.EXE which is a self-extracting archive. INSTALLING THE MACSYMA DEMONSTRATION DISKETTE This demonstration will occupy 4 megabytes on your hard disk drive, and needs 5 megabytes of space temporarily while it is installing. To install the demonstration, go to the Program Manager and click on FILE|RUN. Type A:\INSTALL (or B:\INSTALL, depending on which floppy disk drive you use). INSTALL creates a subdirectory with a path and name of your choice (default c:\MACSDEMO), copies the file MACSDEMO.EXE to that directory, then expands and finally deletes this file from your hard disk. If you consent, the installation program creates a program group called "Macsyma Demo" with program items (icons) "Macsyma mathdemo" and "Macsyma plotdemo." When MACSDEMO.EXE runs, it unpacks about 110 files from a self-extracting archive. The type of each resulting file is indicated by its extension. .exe - executable file. There are two of them: MATHDEMO.EXE and PLOTDEMO.EXE. .out - Macsyma output file. These files contain scripts of demonstration calculations which were run using Macsyma. MATHDEMO.EXE can play back these files to simulate a Macsyma computation session. .plt - Macsyma plot file. These files contain scientific graphics created by Macsyma. PLOTDEMO.EXE can view these files. .dll - A utility file which is needed to run the demonstrations. .hlp - A help system file which you need not access directly. .txt - A text file, such as this README.TXT file. USING THE MACSYMA DEMONSTRATION DISKETTE The MATHDEMO.EXE package demonstrates sample mathematical computational sessions. Start this program either by clicking on the "Macsyma mathdemo" icon or on the filename MATHDEMO.EXE in your file system under Windows. With your mouse, select the menu item FILE|PLAYBACK-DEMO to select a demonstration file. All mathematical demonstration files have the filename extension ".out". The MATHDEMO window also includes all the on-line help facilities in Macsyma, except that executable examples cannot be executed. You may browse through the help menus at the top of the window, or open the hypertext help system by clicking on HELP on the top menu bar. The PLOTDEMO.EXE package demonstrates sample plots generated by Macsyma. Start this program either by clicking on the "Macsyma plotdemo" icon or on the filename PLOTDEMO.EXE in your file system under Windows. To select a plot, click with your mouse on the menu item FILE|OPEN, and select a file. All sample plots have the filename extension ".plt". You can adjust the plot view and color rendering from the menus in the plot window, and obtain on-line help by clicking on HELP in the menu bar at the top of the screen. You can export mathematical expressions and graphics from the Macsyma demonstrations to any Windows word processor, in the form of Windows metafiles. Among the files extracted from MACSDEMO.EXE are these text files: README2.TXT - More information about the contents of the Macsyma demonstration, and how to use it. This file also lists hardware and software requirements for running PC Macsyma. ORDRFORM.TXT - An order form for purchasing Macsyma. Macsyma Inc. 20 Academy Street Arlington MA 02174-6436 / U.S.A. tel: 617-646-4550 fax: 617-646-3161 (North America): 1-800-macsyma (1-800-622-7962) Copyright 1993 Macsyma Inc. Macsyma is a registered trademark of Macsyma Inc.